t2 : dwell time between release of pressure and leak detection
Tracer gas
Krypton 85
Tank Specific Activity
µCi/atm/cc (Kr85 concentration : {{ Kr85_ppmv.toFixed(0) }} ppmv)
Conversion :
µCi =
c/m (counts per minute)
Conversion : K factor =
Tracer gas is used for pressurization and detection. It is assumed not to be part of cavity initial content.
Partial pressure of {{ Pe_gas }} forced in during pressurization =
{{ D(Pt1) }} {{ Pe_unit }}
Partial pressure of {{ Pe_gas }} remaining after dwell time = {{ D(Pt2) }} {{ Pe_unit }}
If the Partial Pressure of {{ Pe_gas }} forced in is
{{ Pe_unit }} then L = {{ LFromPt1 }} {{ L_unit }} of {{ L_gas }}
and R1 = {{ RFromPt1 }} {{ R_unit }} of {{ Pe_gas }}
If R is measured at
{{ R_unit }} of {{ Pe_gas }}
then L = {{ LFromR }} {{ L_unit }} of {{ L_gas }}
If Rad is measured at
c/m, equivalent to {{ D(countsToCurie(kr85_counts)) }} µCi
then L = {{ D(LFromCounts) }} {{ L_unit }} of {{ L_gas }}
DISCLAIMER : Please contact Oneida Research Services, Inc. at (315) 736-5480 or Daniel Rossiter by email at djrossiter@orslabs.com for technical discussions regarding the application of the Howl-Mann equation.